All posts by sabrinac24

Stevens knows best.

Lily was employed as the caretaker’s daughter to serve Miss Kate and Miss Julia to any accord. To be in the position of a servant is an honor, especially to a significant member of society. To demonstrate the ability of dignity, there must be confinement of liberation and loyalty to one’s employer. While Miss Kate and Miss Julia had the luxury of gossip and hysterics, the staff assuredly did not. Concerning many a distinguished house, the service entails the capability of alertness and ability. The modest diamond-bone sirloins, three-shilling tea, and the best-bottled stout that Lily prepared for her three mistresses certify class and nobility, but only for regular occasions. The annual Christmas dinner party hosted at the Morkan house was always a grand affair, and those in service ascertain all preparations are in order. Mr. Conroy’s delayed arrival time ceaselessly burdened Miss Julia and Miss Kate, which justifiably excused their agitated demeanor. It had been years since Kate and Julia had left the house in Stoney Batter thereafter their brother Pat’s passing, and taken Mary Jane to live with them on Usher’s Island. Mary Jane is their only niece and ascended to being a respected woman of the household equipped with extraordinary musical ability, of course, whom Lily would also have to answer to. It must be something lingering in the air, what could possibly be the cause for Gabriel’s absence? This nature is to be expected of Freddy Malins who is possibly preparing his intoxicated state prior to arrival at the property. Attendance to Miss Morkan’s annual dance is a dull, repetitive endeavor for Mr. Gabriel Conroy. Upon Mr. and Mrs. Conroy’s arrival and entrance into the house, Lily made it clear to Gabriel that his presence had been anticipated for some time. Beaming ear to ear Mr. Conroy replied eagerly, it was not his quality to arrive after the estimated expectance time, but in fact because of the extended time it takes for Mrs. Conroy to appear presentable for such an event. Succeeding Lily’s announcement of the arrival of Mrs. Conroy below the stairs, the hidden, unsteadied figures from above met Mrs. Conroy in an embrace. It was of utmost importance to ensure Gabriel’s arrival before sweeping Mrs. Conroy up the steps. Thereafter, Lily guided Mr. Conroy into the pantry to remove his outdoor garments. To attempt to break the silence, Gabriel thought to engage in what the unrefined Americans defer to as “small talk”. Asking Lily if she still went to school would determine the maturity of her decision and course of life. Lily replied assuredly that she would not be returning to school for many years, which introduced the possibility of marriage. How lovely for this young girl, she has my warmest congratulations! Alas, the reaction to this question was not to be expected. She spoke with great bitterness against men and love entirely. Overwhelmed by generosity, Gabriel offered a coin to Lily to kindly repay his ill-spoken moment. As a dignified servant, the right thing would be to allow Mr. Conroy to do as he pleases, and avoid upsetting him. Fortunately, Lily accepted the coin from Mr. Conroy and could free him from any guilt weighing on his chest. Unfortunately, Lily could not maintain her composure and demonstrated weakness by being spiteful to Mr. Conroy. Gabriel prepares a speech every year and this year was no different. Being a graduate of Royal University, he had the education to transcend all the guests’ intelligence. Under no circumstances could Gabriel relate to any of the guests or servants, they would not be able to comprehend his thinking or intellect.  The recognition of Robert Browning is evidence of Gabriel’s superiority,  I admire his transition from Irish to English support, it is far more dignified. It is in this moment where an awareness of social divisions is glaringly obvious. Mr. Conroy though he failed Lily, and will make a fool of himself by quoting poetry that is refined and cultured. Then, he saw his wife and reminded of his responsibility as her husband, the rules that must be made and followed, or else there would simply be chaos! Whilst Greta criticized Gabriel’s galoshes which were an invention of the future,  Freddy Malins posed a risk to the entire event. Once again, the responsibility lies on Gabriel’s broad shoulders, would any task be accomplished without his capability? 

Mr. Browne and Miss Furlong, Miss Daly, and Miss Power join for refreshment as Miss Kate had a direct course to exit. The dances emerge, and the quadrilles demand to be attended to. The partners get assigned, excitement is buzzing,  and Gabriel still has the responsibility of supervising Freddy.  Mary Jane captured all but Gabriel and my attention with her Academy piece. The  meladoy was one I would not appriciate. Suddenly, Mr. Conway found himself paired with a prideful Irish woman. She began to bother him with what his business was with The Daily Express, while Gabriel felt his opinions should not be shouted about. West Briton is the term of an Irish person who supports English control, which truly is the most educated decision an Irish person could make. Gabriel was forced to defend his position as a writer and consequently deflect his West Briton identity. Miss Ivors allowed Mr. Conroy to honestly reflect on his relationship with his wife because of the vastly different social classes. Gretta being from Connacht is not something Gabriel associates with because he would rather go to France or Belgium to escape the Irish society and life of Dublin. Ultimately Gabriel makes his position known as he spoke, ‘if it comes to that, you know, Irish is not my language.’ This statement refers to Miss Ivors being a firm believer in the Irish homeland being the only land needed to inhabit, other places would not be worth visiting. (This unfortunately excludes Darlington Hall of course) West Briton rings an alarming bell within Gabriel’s conscience, which unexpectedly causes an internal conflict of his moral standards. Afterward, Greta does not understand what Gabriel is experiencing, so Gabriel must act cold to Greta, to survive. The cold outside the home entices Gabriel, the Wellington Monument would be all the more pleasant than battling an additional Irish nationalist. As the night continues, Gabriel continues to fight and he wins a small battle when Miss Ivors decides to leave the party.

Finally, the momentous event had arrived. The carving of the goose. Gabriel proudly took his seat at the head of the table and exchanged plates with the guests. The time for speech was present. So it began. Mr. Conroy discussed a new generation, which is mainly self-reflective, and discussed that the present is the time for new ideas and certain qualities of humanity that belonged to the older day. Now the time is for thinking and development. The days are too short to give up on what you fully believe in. The union of Irish culture surrounding Gabriel made him want to leave, they do not truly understand his ideology. For the Three Graces of the Dublin musical world, Gabriel continues his revolutionary speech, but  Aunt Julia is not able to comprehend. All the guests drink for the health and prosperity of the Three Graces, and especially for themselves as well. After an abundance of singing and laughter, Gabriel found himself gazing at a woman whose feminine characteristics enticed him, revealing him to be his wife. She was quite distracted and her attention to the music left her frozen on the staircase. Bartell D’arcy, the musician who could not sing the entire night left the remaining inhabitants in shock. The Lass of Augbrin awoke Greta, and Gabriel saw a beauty in her that he sought to possess. The fleeting night was calling, and  Mr. D’Arcy, Miss O’Callaghan, Gabriel, and Greta departed. Gabriel desired Greta to meet his eyes and be obnoxiously affectionate. He longed to be alone with her, everything was aligned in Gabriel’s mind during the walk to the cab. Could one call it feelings of love? The cab trekked across the O’Connell Bridge and Gabriel distinguished a white man on the statue. Gabriel was delighted to pay the driver and cordially wished them a prosperous New Year. Mr. Conway felt immensely proud of his wife and reminded her of her touch and memories. Logically I think, love is a construct to avoid employment, and there must be control for success. Gabriel was prepared for nobility once again, he shot the lock to their room and gazed down the street to keep his impulses in check. A complication arose, and his emotions were shielded due to an inopportune moment. Gabriel began speaking go Malins, and displaying true generosity in front of the woman he loves, why is she not responding correspondingly to him?  Then, she kissed him, and he put his hands on her hair. Strangely, the complication seemed to answer itself, he had to wait for her to present herself to him. Gretta is silent with the thundering thoughts quarreling in her mind.  Gabriel now thought he understood her, Gretta erupted in a combative response. The Lass of Augbrim, a traditional Irish song revealed a secret Gretta hid. Gretta was provoked to remember her passionate, tragic true love. The grave of Micahel Furey. As Gabriel told me the tale, it was not love Gretta was seeking from Gabriel, Gretta had been in love already. Michael Furey and Gretta were involved in their earlier years, and he faced a death in the gasworks at the age of seventeen. Michael sacrificed his health to see Gretta again, and paid the price for her. Time is fleeting and death never ceases in any circumstance. Gabriel’s indecisive identity and relations with Greta cost him happiness and his life. I feel Mrs. Benn could have been my life, but at what cost? I would not know life without servitude and sacrifice for my employers.  As a foreigner to Ireland, Dublin is vastly different from life at Darlington Hall. I believe, a quality that will mark out the English landscape to any objective observer as the most deeply satisfying in the world, and this quality is probably best summed up by the term ‘greatness.’ I would say that it is the very lack of obvious drama or spectacle that sets the beauty of our land apart. What is pertinent is the calmness of that beauty, its sense of restraint.

Sinico’s Crazy Train

“My intention was to write a chapter of the moral history of my country and I chose Dublin for the scene because that city seemed to me the centre of paralysis.”

James Joyce discussed impulses of human nature, disdain for the Roman Catholic Church, and Dublin’s power structure. Dublin embodies paralysis and despair due to the corruption and immoral actions of its inhabitants. Joyce’s statement of paralysis in Dublin applies to A Painful Case because of the fall of man, internal conflict, and alcoholism in Dublin. The story of Mr. Duffy and Mrs. Sinico represents fear and limited conditions of love. After meeting at a Mozart concert and arranging appointments to meet, they eventually occupied Mrs. Sinico’s empty home for Mr. Duffy to share his ideas with her.  He “entangled” his thoughts with hers and lent her books thinking he would help enlighten her but in reality, she was not very interested in talking. With one daughter and an absent husband, Mrs. Sinico sought out a passionate relationship with Mr. Duffy. Mrs. Sinicio’s loveless marriage is a state of paralysis because spouses are supposed to cherish and support one another, and instead, her husband was cherishing other “arts”. Mr. Duffy intended to spend time with Mrs. Sinico in a strictly educational manner, where intelligent ideas were discussed(only by him). Mr. Duffy viewed her advances towards him as rude and disrespectful because heaven forbid a relationship to become romantic and not academic, the world would end! The characters of this story are not living grand, so I think to make their lives meaningful, they have to take action. As we know, Mr. Duffy lived a carefully constructed life, conflicted with impulses and living a monotonous life. Being conflicted and organized to suppress human desires is one way to express a fear of making mistakes. He needs to understand the meaning of YOLO, (you only live once). Mr. Duffy faces the consequences of his actions by regretting what could have happened, and he is not remembered for having a valuable or meaningful life.

Women in A Painful Case were seen as inferior and lusting to men, containing no morals or intelligence. There were more opportunities for men than women in Dublin, and the lack of opportunities and status of women ultimately determined their livelihood and happiness. Mrs. Sinico’s only daughter Mary Sinico, reveals her mother’s dwelling and addiction to spirits before her death, which suggests Mrs Sinico’s derailment and unhinged immorality. 

“…the inane expressions of sympathy, the cautious words of a reporter won over to conceal the details of a commonplace vulgar death attacked his stomach. Not merely had she degraded herself; she had degraded him. He saw the squalid tract of her vice, miserable and malodorous.” Joyce 82-83. Mrs. Sinico faced judgment even after death and Mr. Duffy views her as disgusting and a disgrace. Desperate conditions and indulgence of sin in Dublin expressed the desire for freedom. 

“He told her that for where he had felt himself a unique figure amidst a score of sober workmen in a garret lit by an inefficient oil-lamp. When the party had divided into three sections, each under its own leader garret, he had discontinued his attendances. The workmen’s discussions, he said were too timorous; the interest they took in the question of wages was inordinate. He felt that they were hard-featured realists and that they resented an exactitude which was the produce of a leisure not within their reach. No social revolution, he told her, would be likely to strike Dublin for some centuries.” Joyce 79. Mr. Duffey felt confident around uncivilized workmen who feared for the wages they earned because he felt that they were beneath him. Also, a sober man in Dublin must be a figment of Mr. Duffey’s imagination because that is a rare species. The most important part of this text was the static condition of Dublin; it would remain unchanging which would negatively impact anyone who lived there.

Mr. James Duffey’s character is an often disappointed man who lived by the actions he did not make and remorsing of habits.  “He lived at a little distance from his body, regarding his own acts with doubtful side glances.” Joyce 77.  I believe Mr. Duffy, as well as the men of Dublin, faced traumatic experiences as children and had mother issues resulting in their revolting character.  Living outside of Dublin where he could escape the modern suburbs, Mr. Duffy was ruled by fear and paralyzed within his isolated existence. He did not interact as a human but, operated through ideas and opinions. The only time he could be “human” in a controlled setting was when attending Mozart concerts. Allowing intimacy would only allow a man to become miserable, so Mr. Duffy lived his life without indulging in pleasures or expressing imagination (aside from his romance novels naturally).

“He gnawed the rectitude of his life; he felt that he had been outcast from life’s feast. One human being had seemed to love him and he had denied her life and happiness: he had sentenced her to ignominy, a death of shame.” Joyce 84. Mr. Duffy’s view of Mrs. Sinico’s death changed because, at first, he had no regret in his decision to abandon their relationship but then he blamed her death on himself. The engine which ensured Mrs. Sinico’s death, roared until it drove Mr. Duffy mad and only when it was silent, he was finally alone. Perhaps he suppressed acting upon ideas for pleasure because he knew it would hurt him to be without it.

who run tha world girls girls

If only my life could be comic book style, sigh. I love Marji because her world is constantly changing but she stays true to what she believes. The rebellion of the women against the veils was such a power move because they were not going to be pushed around. Mothers in Iran had to be strong to protect their families and be optimistic to not lose hope. However, I did not like how many women put other women down even though they are all having to face the misfortunes of war and a dangerous environment.

It must have been such a difficult time for parents to raise their kids, and it was probably more treacherous than discussed in the book. The history of Persepolis and the tales of emperors and kings is fascinating in the culture of Iran. Also, the media has really altered my view of the veil because before reading this book, I did not really know what it was. Being forced as a child to adapt to a completely different lifestyle and adhere to new rules is something I would never want to go through. Marji and the children of Iran possess an admirable strength. Cherishing what little childhood you have during a war is important because tomorrow is not determined.

The strategy of the key and the promise of heaven/women/desired things was disturbing.  The way Iran’s government targeted their young boys to fight in their war shocked me. When Marji and her dad were discussing the quality of Iraq’s weapons compared to the quantity of Iranian soldiers, the fatality of Iran’s soldiers was imminent. War provides a feeling of desperation and ultimately a result of internal conflict. Corruption of the government and society during the war proves people will do anything to move up the food chain.

Cards, board games, posters, etc. being banned proves the miserable state of Iran. Having items from Western culture: Kim Wilde poster, Michael Jackson pin, and Nike shoes, show peoples’ appreciation for other cultures but the Iranian government does not like any admiration for foreign ideas. I would hate this because I really enjoy learning and purchasing items that are from different cultures and businesses.

This book was interesting to read because I am unfamiliar with the living conditions of war, especially for a child. I feel very fortunate to have a safe home where I have food, water, and the ability to express myself. I had good friends and a loving support system as a child and I know not everyone had the resources I did.

Also, I like Marji’s humor even though she had to deal with serious events in her life. It is so sad that the youth of Iran were being lied to and manipulated by their teachers.  I trust the teachers I have to inform me of important things happening in the world, and I value that as a student. Survival in Iran only came from keeping your head down and pushing through. Marji pushed those boundaries by speaking up and bringing awareness to the death that the school was not disclosing, and expressing her admiration for Western items.

The loss of innocence and response to the Iranian Regime’s “Call to arms” cost many children their childhood. An important and adored figure of Marji’s is her Uncle Anoush who was a symbol of hope while the revolution was young. Anoush was fond of the leftists and Marxism proved Marji would click with him. (God looking like Karl Marx)I liked their relationship because they had the same ideals, which can be good and bad. The hope that everything will be fine is false because the regime would be worse than the Shah. His imprisonment proved that faith in systems can not be trusted if everything is changing.  Overal 9.5/10, would read again.

Destined to Die

I enjoyed reading Chronicle of a Death Foretold because it was unlike anything I have read before. I did not think I would like this book because I like having the plot of the book being discovered throughout the book and not known at the very beginning. Although the murder was useful to know because the motives and details of the murder are slowly revealed. Also, every time Pedro and Pablo were mentioned, I envisioned Pedro Pascal. I don’t really want to see Pedro Pascal having blennorhea to be honest…

Angela Vicario’s role in this book shows how in a place where a woman has no power, she is able to manipulate Bayardo to coming back to her with the letters. Although there is a battling power dynamic of Angela sending the letters and Bayardo not opening them shows how Angela can still have her life even though she is not a virgin.

The end of the book where Santiago gets nailed to a door with knives captivated me because of the magic realism.  Also, I was surprised that they actually were able to kill Santiago. They possessed the skills of pig butchers but lacked the medical knowledge of where the heart is. The drunkenness’ and blasphemous behaviors of the town ultimately lead to unfortunate consequences.

The discussion of purity and marriage in that society can be a double standard because the women have to be “pure”, but the men can go to brothels and be players all they want with no consequences. Women can bring shame to their family by not being a virgin and never able to remarry. Bayardo returned Angela after she revealed she was not a virgin with the intention of dying, which shows he did not truly love her. Only until after she could not have him, she was utterly obsessed with him.

Disorder in the town shows how there is no structure and therefore no proper legal system. The way the body was examined and the legality of it all proves there was no successful criminal justice system. I do not think I could function in a town where a threat to kill someone is not taken seriously, also the mayor needs to be replaced asap.





This book has motivated me tell the truth and nothing but the truth for the rest of my life. Life moves on and who cares if there was an embarrassing moment, you do not have to lie to cover it up. You just have to live with the consequences of your actions and Briony needed to just zip her lip. Lola really got lucky with Briony being in the same house as her because she can manipulate her without doing anything. Briony puts herself on a pedestal and thinks no one sees life like her. Briony knew she didn’t see Lola’s attacker but she was so entangled in her belief that she was right and she knew, but her vision was not reliable. She wanted to see Robbie so she makes that the truth.  I am glad that older Briony is aware of her self-appointed heroism ideal and that she thought of herself as  the center of the universe. Being the baby of the family and spoiled by her brother and mother makes her think she has to be better than Cecilia so she is automatically capable of being better. Also, it disgusts me that she tries to write Robbie and Cecilia’s happy ending but she is the one who took that away from them. I do not, not hate Briony… but she deserved to live somewhere else. I think Cecilia and Leon should have been the only kids in the house and I wish their father wasn’t a cheating scum bag. Emily is annoying because she needs to lock herself away in her room but, maybe that is where she belongs. The house turning into a hotel shows the irony of Briony being in the house and trying to rely on her memory and trusting she is right.

I feel bad for Lola because of what happened to her and her being a victim. Paul Marshall was a terrible person and should be in prison for life and subject to torture but at the time, a man of his status could never have that fate.

I really enjoyed the post-modernism aspect of this book because as a teenager, I feel like the truth is always changing. There is always a new, different perspective that can alter your world. With creating your own truth, it may help you sleep at night but at what cost. I can get confused with the inevitable possibilities and scenarios of the path taken and the alternate realities. If I had just said something different or not said anything, would anything have changed? Being a young woman in the year 2023 means I can have the power to do anything I put my mind to because humans are capable of insane things. Like Michael Phelps,  Simone Biles and Coco Gauff in the US Open.

When Briony takes the letter and humiliates Cecilia, I have never wanted to stop reading a book so bad. And when Briony was at Cecilia’s home and tried to call her Cee, it broke my heart because Briony will never be able to call her that again because she will never be that person, ever again.

Luc’s conversation with Briony made me have to read through my tears because even though he was about to die, he was reliving his memories through Briony. Briony for once was just the outside observer, listening to his life story, and knowing the ending.(his death) Although, as the reader, you want to change his ending so that he goes back to his home. His death, and the presence of soldiers in the hospital brings a sense of disorder to the orderly hospital. The hospital, in a sense, is like Briony’s younger life. She always wanted to have control and organize everything (like the play) and it is not possible to control everything. There will be Lola’s and Pierrot and Jackson Quincy’s that challenge the structure of your life.

As much as we want happy endings to be our endings, I think just an ending can be appropriate. They shouldn’t be configured to some happy thing if (Robbie and Cecilia’s ending) it isn’t at all. Although the love they had for each other never died, I don’t think Briony should have ever put herself between them. I think Briony was correct when living her life atoning to her grave mistake, by working as a nurse and not going to school. I appreciate how well-rounded McEwan wrote Briony and showing how human she is.

Parallel with the wedding and the fountain, left Briony to construct her truth out of little evidence left after the fact. I hate that Briony is always trying to piece things together and she should stick to puzzles or something.