Destined to Die

I enjoyed reading Chronicle of a Death Foretold because it was unlike anything I have read before. I did not think I would like this book because I like having the plot of the book being discovered throughout the book and not known at the very beginning. Although the murder was useful to know because the motives and details of the murder are slowly revealed. Also, every time Pedro and Pablo were mentioned, I envisioned Pedro Pascal. I don’t really want to see Pedro Pascal having blennorhea to be honest…

Angela Vicario’s role in this book shows how in a place where a woman has no power, she is able to manipulate Bayardo to coming back to her with the letters. Although there is a battling power dynamic of Angela sending the letters and Bayardo not opening them shows how Angela can still have her life even though she is not a virgin.

The end of the book where Santiago gets nailed to a door with knives captivated me because of the magic realism.  Also, I was surprised that they actually were able to kill Santiago. They possessed the skills of pig butchers but lacked the medical knowledge of where the heart is. The drunkenness’ and blasphemous behaviors of the town ultimately lead to unfortunate consequences.

The discussion of purity and marriage in that society can be a double standard because the women have to be “pure”, but the men can go to brothels and be players all they want with no consequences. Women can bring shame to their family by not being a virgin and never able to remarry. Bayardo returned Angela after she revealed she was not a virgin with the intention of dying, which shows he did not truly love her. Only until after she could not have him, she was utterly obsessed with him.

Disorder in the town shows how there is no structure and therefore no proper legal system. The way the body was examined and the legality of it all proves there was no successful criminal justice system. I do not think I could function in a town where a threat to kill someone is not taken seriously, also the mayor needs to be replaced asap.




One thought on “Destined to Die”

  1. You will remember that in magic realism outrageous scenarios play out as if they are true and acceptable as fact–this is where the fun is, but also it exposes dark truths underneath. It is in exaggeration that we see ourselves most clearly. I like your comments, they are on point, and no, one would not want to live in such a place, which is why Gabo himself stayed away for decades, I suppose. But this is ‘merica, too, so yeah.

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